The Data in the storage account has various levels of security to protect the data from anonymous access, they are CORS, Management plane & Data plane, Encryption(at rest, in transit). Encryption in transit protects the sensitive data by encrypting it while it was transferred from one location to other.
The secure transfer option enhances the security of a storage account by only allowing requests to the storage account by a secure connection. For example, when calling REST APIs to access storage accounts, the connection must use HTTPS. Any requests using HTTP will be rejected when 'secure transfer required' is enabled. When using the Azure files service, connection without encryption will fail, including scenarios using SMB 2.1, SMB 3.0 without encryption, and some flavors of the Linux SMB client. Because Azure storage doesn’t support HTTPS for custom domain names, this option is not applied when using a custom domain name.
We can harden the level of security of data stored in the storage account by accepting only secure requests.
Default Value:
By default, Secure transfer required is set to enabled.
Sign in to your Azure account.
Go to Storage Accounts
For each storage account, go to Configuration
Check that the Secure transfer required is set to Enabled(In this scenario it is enabled as default).
An Azure account
Storage account within an Azure subscription.
Implementation Steps:
Sign in to your Azure account.
Go to Storage Accounts
For each storage account, go to Configuration
Set the Secure transfer required setting to Enabled(for Encryption in Transit) and click on Save.
Backout Plan:
Sign in to your Azure account.
Go to Storage Accounts
For each storage account, go to Configuration
Set the Secure transfer required setting to Disabled(to allow the unsecured connections[HTTP]) and click on Save.