RDS Auto Minor Version Upgrade is a feature that you can enable to have your database automatically upgraded when a new minor database engine version is available. These enhancements are available for the MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and PostgreSQL database instances in all AWS Regions.
Amazon RDS provides newer versions of each supported database engine so you can keep your DB instance up-to-date. Newer versions can include bug fixes, security enhancements, and other improvements to the database engine. When Amazon RDS supports a new version of a database engine, you can choose how and when to upgrade your database DB instances. Major engine version upgrades can introduce changes that are not compatible with existing applications.
RDS database instances that have the Auto Minor Version Upgrade enabled will automatically receive minor engine upgrades during the specified maintenance window.
Default Value:
Its Auto Minor Version Upgrade is Enabled.
The Instance should be in the Available state
Test Plan:
Log in to the AWS Management Console.
Go to the RDS dashboard at
In the navigation panel, under RDS Dashboard, click Instances and choose the instance you want to check.
Select the Instance Actions option from the menu and choose to See Details.
Under the Maintenance Details section,
Search for the status of the Auto Minor Version Upgrade feature and verify whether it is enabled or not.
Using AWS CLI:
Command to list all RDS database names, available in the selected AWS region:
aws rds describe-db-instances
--region us-east-1
--query 'DBInstances[*].DBInstanceIdentifier'
Command to determine the Auto Minor Version Upgrade status for the selected instance:
aws rds describe-db-instances
--region <region-name>
--db-instance-identifier <rds-instance-name>
--query 'DBInstances[*].AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'
Implementation Steps:
- Log in to the AWS Management Console.
- Navigate to the RDS dashboard at
- In the navigation panel, under RDS Dashboard, click Instances.
Select the RDS instance that you want to examine.
Click the Instance Modify button from the dashboard top menu
On the Modify DB Instance: <instance identifier> page, under the Maintenance section, select the check box Auto Minor Version Upgrade dropdown list.
- Click Continue and Click on Apply Immediately.
Click on Modify Changes
Review the changes and click Modify DB Instance. The instance status should change from available to modifying and back to available. Once the feature is enabled, the Auto Minor Version Upgrade status should change to Yes
Using AWS CLI:
Command to modify the RDS instance configuration. The following command example enables Auto Minor Version Upgrade for an RDS instance (when using –apply-immediately option, the change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible):
aws rds modify-db-instance
--region <region-name>
--db-instance-identifier <sql-instance-name>
Backout Plan:
- Select the RDS instance that you want to make changes
- Click on the Modify.
- Under the Maintenance section, Uncheck the checkbox to Disable the Auto Minor Version Upgrade dropdown list.
- Click on Continue
- Click on Modify DB Instance.
Using AWS CLI:
To Disable the Auto minor version upgrade
aws rds modify-db-instance \
--db-instance-identifier database-2