
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is a blazing fast in-memory data store that provides sub-millisecond latency to power internet-scale real-time applications. Built on open-source Redis and compatible with the Redis APIs, ElastiCache for Redis works with your Redis clients and uses the open Redis data format to store your data.


The backup consists of the cluster's metadata, along with all of the data in the cluster. All backups are written to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), which provides durable storage. At any time, you can restore your data by creating a new Redis cluster and populating it with data from a backup.


When automatic backups are enabled, ElastiCache creates a backup of the cluster daily. Automatic backups can help guard against data loss. In the event of a failure, you can create a new cluster, restoring your data from the most recent backup.

Default Value:

By default, when an ElastiCache Redis Cluster is being set up, Automatic Backup Enabled is preset in default settings.


ElastCache Redis should be enabled in your AWS Account

Test Plan:

  1. Log in to the AWS Console in the region where you have deployed your ElastiCache

  2. Open the ElastiCache Dashboard

  3. Click on Redis under Resources in ElastiCache Dashboard

  4. Choose the ElasticCache you want to check 

  5. In the description part of the ElasticCache if the Backup Retention Period is Disabled and Backup Window is Disabled it means that Automatic Backup for  ElastiCache Redis Cluster has not been enabled

     Repeat steps 1 to 5 till all ElasticCache clusters are checked.

Using AWS CLI:

The following operation uses the parameter --snapshot-name to display the details of the backup my-backup.

aws elasticache describe-snapshots --snapshot-name my-backup

Implementation Steps

  1. Log in to the AWS Console in the region where you have deployed your ElastiCache.

  2. Open the ElastiCache Dashboard

  3. Click on Redis under Resources in ElastiCache Dashboard.

    4. First, choose ElasticCache you want to enable automatic backup and click on Actions

5. Inside the actions panel, click on modify  

6. In the Modify Cluster, click on the checkbox of Enable Automatic Backups to enable backup.

7. Set up the settings for Automatic Backup.

8. Click on Modify to Save the setting.

9. Repeat steps 1 to 8 till every ElasticCache Redis Cluster has Automatic Backup enabled.

Backout Plan:

  1. Log in to the AWS Console in the region where you have deployed your ElastiCache

  2. Open the ElastiCache Dashboard

  3. Click on Redis under Resources in ElastiCache Dashboard

  4. First, choose ElasticCache you want to enable automatic backup and click on Actions

  5. Inside the actions panel, click on modify.

  6. In the Modify Cluster, unclick on the checkbox of Enable Automatic Backups to disable backup.

  7. Click on Modify to Save the setting